November 14, 2010

Internships and Stuff like that

I've been super busy these past few months, hence the no posting at-freaking-all. Looking for a job sucks in this economy, especially with little to no experience. Day in and day out, looking for a job. I get up and the first thing I do is check out the new job listings, see who I can contact, throw them my website and resume and pray. It's been several weeks of doing this and thinking that perhaps I'm just not good enough yet, I need to do more. Then lo and behold I get offers for internships, freelance gigs, and cool projects that now I'm super busy drawing and painting things that I can't show people! Meh. But, that's a good thing, because in the depths of my doubt, a super laser of opportunity blasted my doubt away. Now I'm enjoying myself, learning so much more than what I've learned at "school" and makin' that paper. Yup. Thing's are getting better.

Anyways, here's something I can show that I've done for an art test. It was super fun to do. Took me about 8 from studies, then concept, then completion.